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Top Performing Interval Funds


Interval funds, a relatively niche segment within the broader investment landscape, have seen remarkable growth in recent years. These funds offer a unique blend of liquidity and access to alternative investments typically reserved for institutional investors. Despite their increasing popularity, detailed performance analyses of interval funds have been scarce. This article aims to fill that gap by providing a review of the top performing interval funds and shedding light on what has driven their success.

The article highlights the performance metrics of interval funds and reveals a robust investment segment available to investors. It shows an impressive 80.2% of interval fund share classes with full-year 2023 financials reported positive total returns. It goes on to point out that the positive trend strengthens with time, as 90.1% of share classes with a three-year track record and 95.7% with a five-year track record have reported overall gains. One of the funds highlighted in the article is the BlueBay Destra International & Event-Driven Credit Fund, which has delivered exceptional annualized returns of 14.95% over the past five years (as of 3/31/24, source: Morningstar).